Texto blanco sobre fondo blanco...
...y Malevich guardó silencio, sin saber qué decir.
Nick Vujicic. Nacido en 1982, en Melbourne, Australia. Es el creador de Life Without Limbs, una organización para los físicamente discapacitados
There is evidence that there is an international criminal corporate crime syndicate (¡!), directed by a group called the Illuminati (¡!), are planning the mass murder of the people of the USA by using an artificial virus as a pretext to deliver a toxic vaccinations.
There is clear, unambiguous evidence that Baxter is affiliated with this group and deliberately released 72 kilos of pandemic material in February in Austria to trigger a pandemic in order to justify a pandemic declaration level 6 by WHO and mass vaccinations.
There is evidence members of the same group were involved in engineering and releasing the “swine flu” virus in Mexico to allow WHO to declare pandemic level 6 on June 11th.
The same complex of international pharmaceutical companies and international government agencies that have developed and released pandemic material have positioned themselves to profit from triggering the pandemic by sealing contracts to supply the vaccine.
(En este otro enlace, teneís el vídeo completo -de unos 54 minutos-, colgado por las dos autoras de la entrevista: http://www.vimeo.com/6790193)